Do you keep proper books of your accounts? Is bookkeeping getting in the way of your profits? Knowing the importance of bookkeeping for your business, we find smart and innovative ways to offer high-quality bookkeeping services to your firm.
The IRS has made payroll a tedious job for the employers taking up a chunk of their time which could have been utilized developing other business opportunities.
When you sell your stocks after holding them for less than a year at a profit, you will be taxed at the rate equal to your income tax rate but when you sell them after holding them for more than a year, you will be taxed at 15%. Still a lot when you have gotten a huge chunk of stocks from your company as a compensation right?
When you sell your stocks after holding them for less than a year at a profit, you will be taxed at the rate equal to your income tax rate but when you sell them after holding them for more than a year, you will be taxed at 15%. Still a lot when you have gotten a huge chunk of stocks from your company as a compensation right?
We have developed an expertise in strategic tax planning. The process helps us legally save you a ton of money on taxes by identifying hidden deductions, tax credits, and tax loopholes.
Your business entity has a large impact on your taxes and other liabilities. From your company’s inception through its growth and development, focus Your Finance, Inc. can advise you on choosing an entity type and later restructuring if advantageous.
What is the difference between DIYs done by Youtubers and DIYs done by you? They have professionals, you don’t. Similarly, there is a difference between tax preparation done by you and that done by expert CPAs and EA professionals.
A corporate income tax is a direct tax imposed by a jurisdiction on the income or capital of corporations or analogous legal entities. The tax may have an alternative base, such as assets, payroll, or income computed in an alternative manner.
When successful small businesses and entrepreneurs achieve a certain level of success they get hit with high taxes that threaten business growth and personal prosperity.
We have developed an expertise in strategic tax planning. The process helps us legally save you a ton of money on taxes by identifying hidden deductions, tax credits, and tax loopholes.